So I just got back from yet another trip to Flagstaff Arizona the night before last. I ended up spending far more time there than I expected to (which is, of course, a wonderful thing). I had a blast. I was able to see almost all of my friends. We had a get together at my friend Andi's apartment, we played 'Last Word', which I might add is the best game in the world, we watched Fight Club, we drank white wine, we went to In n' Out, we hung out at Denny's until 3 in the morning, we took midday naps. Best week ever.
To quote Cait "This dog was mean as shit", but luckily behind a car window.
My friend Cait bought this magazine for me because she is a beautiful human being (much like the man gracing this cover aka Wayne Coyne). LOVE.
The shin dig.Cait's grandma's house.
Jr and I= Straight up Gangsta thugs.
And this weeks theme song was definetely a tie between:
Sweet Caroline- Neil Diamond
I almost wish that I knew you were in town a bit longer, but we left on a good note. No big. No, but I totally do wish that I didn't have school that night and I could've watched the rest of Fight club with you guys, gone to In and Out, sat and Denny's and totally ditch school.
But eh. Such is life. Power to the V, yo. (Vagina, just in case you were wondering)
I almost called you on Tuesday, but I felt far too guilty. I figured you probably had a ton of homework and I didn't want to screw your life over. We parted on a beautiful note though.
My V is empowered. Super Sonic empowered.
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